
Automation solutions, problem management and workflow customization tools are among the exciting, business-changing ITSM features that generate a great deal of excitement around the ITSM sector. However, these advanced technologies and services are built on a foundation of solid, effective IT service desk tools that can be invaluable for organizations with rising technology needs but limited fiscal resources. It is vital that companies don’t get so drawn into the hype cycle of sophisticated features that they neglect the core services that underpin their ITSM strategies.

Well-designed IT help desk ticketing modules build the foundation of process efficiency you need to eventually step up to more advanced ITSM modules.

These five tips will help you get your ticketing strategies up to the high standards you need to create an operational climate capable of fostering innovation:

1. Create a Clear Divide Between Service Request Types
Support tickets should be sorted and categorized before they reach the user dashboard. A support worker should be able to look at his or her ticket queue and see a list of service requests that is already prioritized and segmented based on the importance and type of task required. This provides invaluable time savings as your workers no longer need to open tickets, identify the scope of the issue, categorize it and move forward. Instead, they can move freely from one task to the next with minimal disruption.

2. Establish Escalation Workflows
Support tickets must be able to move from one level of your team to another with ease. Establishing clear work flows for ticket escalation ensures that nothing slips through the cracks between their entry to this system and being moved to the highest levels of your service desk. With each type of ticket, the support employee handling should not only know how to escalate it in terms of the process that goes into tagging it for a higher-up in the organization, but also be able to easily identify who to forward the issue to based on the type of incident.

3. Integrate Collaboration Features
A user running into a minor issue shouldn’t need to go back to the dashboard or use a separate software platform to send a message to a manager for help. Building collaboratory features into the ticketing module ensures your employees can get help when they need it, in the most convenient way possible.

4. Develop Custom Process Modules
A good service desk solution will let you create custom process modules without extensive development workloads, letting you automate repeatable components of your ticketing operations. This can drive efficiency by accelerating operations, and it also eliminates much of the tedium from the work day. You want your support team to have the time and mental energy to make intelligent decisions when it comes to handling end-user issues. Custom process modules let you create the functions necessary to get the most out of your workers and drive major operational gains.

5. Get Your Workers Involved
As a service desk leader, you have the information and expertise needed to make the right decisions as you go through these steps to upgrade your ticketing functionality. However, nobody will be closer to your current or future ticketing system than your support workers. Get them involved in the project before calling it to a close so they can provide key insight on what is working, what needs to be improved and how you can fine tune plans to make the most of the investment.

Investing in excellence in foundational areas like ticketing can help you build up to advanced ITSM features in strategic, efficient ways.
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